IT is a modern phenomenon that has dramatically changed the daily lives of individuals and businesses throughout the world. Leveraging IT for business success is the key to survival in the modern business world. Information technology has grown to permeate the business world. This affects how companies make and market their products, as well as how people communicate and accomplish their jobs in today's organizations. As IT fosters innovation in business, innovation results in smarter apps, improved data storage, faster processing, and wider information distribution. Innovation makes businesses run more efficiently. It increases value, enhances quality, and boosts productivity.
The main reason our architects are up-to-date regarding all innovative solutions of top global brands that NTP represents in Georgia/Sakartvelo is to deliver these details to our end users and use these information in their IT development plans to realize their projects and implement innovative solutions.
Pre-sales to post-sales services and a customer-focused approach set NTP apart from other box-moving IT companies.
Escalation from junior to senior to architect level within the technical department Allows us to solve technical tasks of any complexity for the end user. In addition, by providing a suitable engineer according to the complexity of our customer's task, our company optimises both our resources and our customer's costs.
Our role in collaborating with end users is to eliminate the need for data storage and management. To provide a centralized system plan based on a scalable and secure architecture. Enhancing the data collection and retrieval process, along with other benefits, will enable our end user companies to achieve significant operational and cost savings.
Efficiency in operations Although NTP implements simple to complex IT solutions, its lack of bureaucracy allows us to be flexible in our operations. In addition to this, working with us is a transparent procedure. The PM of each task and project allows us to keep our customers aware regarding the progress of each stage, time needed and actions left untaken to complete the task, project or an offer.